Developing community led affordable housing, amenities and employment opportunities in East Cambridgeshire
Your support is important to our work at East Cambs Community Land Trust
Anyone with a local connection to East Cambridgeshire can apply to become a member for just £1. As a member of East Cambs CLT, you will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting, act as guardians of the Objects of the Trust and promote its interests, and receive regular news and information on the activity of the Trust.
Application for membership is open to any individual who:
Is over the age of 16
Lives and/or works in East Cambridgeshire
Supports the Objects of the Trust and agrees to be bound by its Rules. Read our Governing Documents (model rules)
Membership Form
Please read our model rules, complete the below form and send your £1 membership along with your name to:
East Cambs CLT, 5 Fordham House Court, Fordham House Estate, Newmarket Road, Fordham, Cambs CB7 5LL